July 18, 2019

NOTICE Dated: 19 -07-2019

Dear Parents/Guardian, Greetings from Mount Carmel School, Chandigarh! This is to inform you that the School is inviting enrollments for Mount Carmel Sports Academies for the […]
July 1, 2019

NOTICE. Date: 02-07-2019

Dear Parents/Guardian, Considering the scorching heat, the summer vacation for Pre-Primary & Primary Classes has been extended upto 9 th July 2019. Accordingly Classes Pre-Nursery to […]
January 17, 2019

Date Sheet for Classes IX & XI

DATE SHEET FOR THE FINAL EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY 2019. CLASSES IX &  XI Time:  8 . 15 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.   DAY & DATE               CLASS  […]
January 17, 2019

Mount Carmel Carnival ‘MCC-2019’ Notice

NOTICE Date:  17-01-2019 Dear Parents/Guardian, Kindly note the following: Republic Day Celebration will be held in the School on Saturday the 26th January, 2019. All the […]
December 17, 2018

Notice regarding School Leaving Certificate

Dear Parents/Guardian,As we are approaching the end of another session, we are thankful to you for your kind co-operation inspite of the disturbances created by a few. […]