October 8, 2018

Eco and environment club, Qudrat, organised a work shop on the topic ‘Recycling of paper.’

Ms Anju Gupta and Ms Shilpa from Anandee Recycled Paper spoke to children of classes 3 to 8 on the importance of recycling paper and reducing […]
October 5, 2018

To celebrate World Wild Week and stress on the importance of various animals in our habitat /environment the students went to visit the Chhatbir Zoo today. There were 64 students from the Eco and Environment Club, Science Club and Nature Club

October 4, 2018

Congratulations ! Winners in Show and Tell Competition.

September 25, 2018

To create awareness about traffic safety

To create awareness about traffic safety, a seminar led by President, Wing Commander J.S. Khokhar and Vice President Wing Commander C.S.Grewal, was conducted on Traffic Awareness […]