
November 26, 2019

Parents’ Notice Regarding information for celebration of Founders’ Week

Date: 26-11-2019 Dear Parents/Guardian As informed earlier the programmes of Founders’ Week Celebrations of the School to be held at the Tagore Theatre, Sector 18, Chandigarh […]
November 22, 2019

NOTICE. Dated: 22-11-2019

  Dear Parents/Guardian, This is to inform you that the School is not organizing any farewell party/get-together for the students of class X. Sd/- Principal
November 16, 2019

Report of Sukhna lake visit by Heritage club

Sukhna is choking, Sukhna is shrinking, Sukhna is losing its sheen. Few of the migratory birds have also stopped visiting their favourite destinations. Human callousness and […]
October 25, 2019

NATIONAL LEVEL – Skating Tejal chauhan of class 3 rd D won Bronze medal in 300m inline race in CBSE North Zone Skating Championship was held at Saffron City School, Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab from 11-10-2019 to 13-10-2019.